by Greg Dungan | Website Business
Key Element: Price Price is one of the most obvious differences between websites and businesses. There’s an old saying that goes, “Where there’s smoke, there’s fire.” Well, where there’s a price, there’s a sale. And where...
by Greg Dungan | Website Business
Are you still with me? Good. We’re halfway through the Plan that websites and businesses need to be successful. I’m glad you’re hanging in there. You can have a money-making business without a website, but you can’t have a money-making...
by Greg Dungan | Website Business
Key Element: Plan In Part 1 of this series I introduced you to two groups of people – Business Owners and Moonlighters. I also shared the first two differences between websites and businesses – People and Product. In the next two articles we’ll explore the...
by Greg Dungan | Website Business
I’ve been working my website for a year now and it still isn’t making any money. I’ve been in business for over twenty years and I don’t put much faith in websites. They’re nice advertisement, but I’ve never seen one make any real...
by Greg Dungan | Content Creation
Hey, good job! You really helped me out. I love reading your stuff. I’ve learned some things that I have been able to use, and my business is better because of it. I appreciate the hard work you put into your blog. I look forward to reading the articles you...