by Greg Dungan | Content Creation
Welcome back for the final installment of my series on How to Create and Keep a Posting Schedule. So, far we’ve discussed the best days to post, how often to post, and how to schedule your posts. Now we actually have to write your posts. Today, I’m...
by Greg Dungan | Content Creation
On Monday we discussed which days were best for posting. We also looked at which posting schedule is right for you. If you missed How to Create and Keep a Posting Schedule (Part 1), I highly recommend that you go back a read it before continuing (or at least read it...
by Greg Dungan | Content Creation
When I first planned this article, it was supposed to be a one-off piece (meaning one article published one time). However, the finished outline ended up being over 4000 words. I guess I didn’t realize how much time and effort I put into creating and keeping...
by Greg Dungan | Content Creation
What Makes A Successful Publisher? There have been many successful publishers throughout history. Some have made their fortunes in newspapers like William Randolph Hearst. For others, like Bennet Cerf one of the founders of Random House, it was books. Regardless of...
by Greg Dungan | Content Creation
“You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help other people get what they want.” ~ Zig Ziglar Every writer wants to be published This is a basic cosmic truth as far as I’m concerned. Every artist wants to be seen, every musician...