by Greg Dungan | Website Business
Heavy title, huh? Let me say up front that George Lucas has nothing to fear. I’m not about to reveal secrets of how “The Force” works. Those are for me to know. I am going to tell you how to shape your destiny and the destiny of your company....
by Greg Dungan | Website Business
So what is an Entrepreneur? I have found (as I’m sure you have too) that there are many stereotypical answers to this question. You’re also likely to hear nearly as many variations from those who identify themselves as entrepreneurs as you are from those...
by Greg Dungan | Website Business
Key Element: Price Price is one of the most obvious differences between websites and businesses. There’s an old saying that goes, “Where there’s smoke, there’s fire.” Well, where there’s a price, there’s a sale. And where...
by Greg Dungan | Website Business
Are you still with me? Good. We’re halfway through the Plan that websites and businesses need to be successful. I’m glad you’re hanging in there. You can have a money-making business without a website, but you can’t have a money-making...
by Greg Dungan | Website Business
Key Element: Plan In Part 1 of this series I introduced you to two groups of people – Business Owners and Moonlighters. I also shared the first two differences between websites and businesses – People and Product. In the next two articles we’ll explore the...
by Greg Dungan | Website Business
I’ve been working my website for a year now and it still isn’t making any money. I’ve been in business for over twenty years and I don’t put much faith in websites. They’re nice advertisement, but I’ve never seen one make any real...